Operations are a form of DLC introduced in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive consisting of community created content including community maps, a purchasable operation coin, & a lot of content from Valve like Co-Op Strike or Guardian missions. Operations since Operation Shattered Web also introduced exclusive weapon collections, stickers, graffiti, patches, & cases.
Earlier operations were scheduled to last between 2-5 months with a one month break inbetween, though the past three operations have lasted around 20 weeks. Some operations have been extended to give players additional time to complete missions & claim rewards. Since operations contain community created content, a portion of the proceeds go directly to authors of content included within the operation. Regardless of new operations being released, new weapon cases & capsules can still be released during an operation. For example, the Dreams & Nightmares Case which was released during Operation Riptide.
The different operations are:
Operation Payback

Operation Bravo

Operation Phoenix

Operation Breakout

Operation Vanguard

Operation Bloodhound

Operation Wildfire

Operation Hydra

Operation Shattered Web

Operation Broken Fang

Operation Riptide